Please note BPI will be closed on Monday 26th August for the Bank Holiday.

Online Craft Beer Partnership & Retailer

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BPI Asset Advisory are seeking interested parties in a newly formed and fledgling online craft beer partnership, retailer and potential subscription service.

Financial Information


Feb 23 to Jul 23 – £33,000
Jan 22 to Jan 23 – £71,000
Y/E Jan 22 – £14,500

Social Media Channels

– Instagram – Over 5,500 Followers
– Twitter – Over 1,000 Followers
– Facebook – Over 1,000 Followers

Further Information

– Circa 3,000 Cans of Assorted Wet Stock
– Email Subscribers – 1,800 (Opted In)
– Website (Fully SEO)
– Amazon Store (A+)
– Contracts in place to stock Asda Scotland & Ocado

Further Information

For further information please contact [email protected] to receive an NDA.

The sale is expected to complete by way of an insolvency process.

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